After 15 years of applying the ISO standards, Petrolimex Saigon has been the integrated system to manage quality – safety – occupational health and environment (has been called shortly QSHE) following to ISO 9001:2008; ISO 14001: 2004; OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Up to now, this management system is becoming one of the tools for production and operataion management activities of company. And this is also the encouragement achievement of Petrolimex Saigon to be performed by strongly commitment of leaders from Head Office to subsidiaries who have mobilized and attracted involvement of employees as well as determination of staffs in implementing process.
General view of the meeting
On December 4th 2014, Petrolimex Saigon organized on the periodical the management review meeting of quality management systems which has been chaired by Chairman of Quality and Risk Management Council - Petrolimex Saigon Deputy Director Nguyen Van Canh in order to summarize, analyse, audit the results and the actual state of quality management; giving some problems which need to be continued improvement and innovation to integrate and enhance quality of systems – Oriented TQM.
Chairman of Quality & Risk Management Council – Petrolimex Saigon Deputy Director Nguyen Van Canh chairing at the meeting
1)Maintaining certification activities following to standards:
Petrolimex Saigon has maintained the effectiveness of continuity certifications to be approved by Bureau Veritas Certification (BVC) and Bureau of Accreditation Vietnam (VILAS) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO/IEC 17025 standards. Nearly, Vietnam Certification Centre (QUACERT) has audited and issued the certification of E5 Bio-Fuel mixture to sell in the market since November 26th 2014.
Standing Quality & Risk Management Council – Quality Division Manager Dao Van Hung reporting the quality activities of 2014
2)Improving quality of services, enhancing satisfaction of customers:
In 2014, Petrolimex Saigon upgraded, standardized and issued the process of customer satisfaction measurement to apply for the overall company. At the same time, setting up service quality standards to commit implementation and to be used to measure satisfaction of customers (customer audit).
Members of Quality & Risk Management Council speaking at the meeting | ||
Sales Department | Petroleum Technique Department Manager Dinh Tan Loi | Commercial and Engineering Services Enterprise Deputy Director Doan Quoc Tuan |
Petrolimex Saigon has organized the satisfaction survey about service quality for retail customers at Petroleum Retail Station System directly under Petroleum Retail Enterprise. Its general satisfaction result has achieved 97%, 100% all customers have been surveyed to distinguish Petroleum Stations of Petrolimex Saigon with the others, etc … From this survey result, Petrolimex Saigon has planned to improve and enhance service quality in order to create the trade space “Civilization – High Class – Friendly” at Petroleum Retail Station System on early June 30th2015.
3)Developing 5S tool to improve the work environment:
Petrolimex Saigon has finished to issue 26 standards of 5S to apply for 100% sectors in the overall company. Maintaining to check 5S practice at quarterly intervals, the result of pictures has been communicated widely on the internal network of our company.
Members of Quality & Risk Management Council speaking at the meeting | ||
Adminstration Department | Nha Be Oil Terminal | Petroleum Retail Enterprise Deputy Director Pham The Hung |
After four applying years, 5S practice has been developed from Head Office to subsidiaries, changing the style of working for employees in keeping cleanly, orderly and scientific at the workplace. Especially, company’s image is more and more advanced, contributing to reinforce the trademark’s prestige, becoming a place to put the belief of customers, etc…
4)Improving quality of communication:
Petrolimex Saigon has developed to apply eoffice management software – PSE (replacing STM) since August 1st 2014. Communication systems between different depatments/divisions in the overall company become quickly, timely, accurately and strengthening the secret of information.
Members of Quality & Risk Management Council speaking at the meeting | ||
ERP Division Manager Nguyen Thi Thu | Legal and Inspection Department Manager Dinh Van Tien | Technical Safety & Environment Dept Manager Do Kim Ma |
5) Developing operation and management tool through a set of objectices – KPIs; organizing internal audits, certification body’s audits and customer’s audits; maintaining management reviews at intervals; maintaining the activities of quality team at intervals; organizing the quality training courses; mobilizing Petrolimex Saigon Prize – PSG (Productivity –Safety –Green) to commend outstanding individuals in quality activities, etc ...
With the change of management methods from experience into modern and professional, Petrolimex Saigon has been improving continuously to implement commitments for customers with the best service quality, protecting environment, ensuring absolutely safety in all production and operation management activities of company, implementing the transparency and open processes to ensure in accordance with the requirements of law, State and Petrolimex Group in order to maximize the economic effectiveness and minimize the risks.