Electronic invoice (E-Invoice)

 08:06 AM @ Friday - 08 May, 2020

Petrolimex Saigon is pleased to announce: From 00h April 1, 2018, we officially issue an electronic invoice (E-invoice) in place of a normal paper invoice.

E-invoice is applied to all types of petroleum business - other goods and services, except for the re-export mode, normal paper invoices are still applied.

The E-invoice was implemented by the Ministry of Finance's Circular No. 32/2011/TT-BTC of 14/3/2011 on creating, issuing and using electronic invoices to sell goods and provide services; and the official dispatch of the General Department of Taxation in Document No. 5308 / TCT-DNL dated November 17, 2017 on guidelines for the implementation of electronic invoices for Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex).

Our E-invoices have electronic signatures that have been legally registered with the competent authorities, and are notified of the issue to the tax authorities in accordance with the requirements / procedures required by tax law.

Right after the E-invoice is created, you will receive an invoice via email registered with us, or easily look up at the website: http://hoadon.petrolimex.com.vn; If you have not registered or have changed your email address, please contact us at the information below; processes, procedures for goods purchase, delivery and service still apply and there are no changes compared to the past.

Benefits of e-invoice for customers:

(1) Convenience: Easily receive e-mail via email and look up anytime - anywhere at Petrolimex website;

(2) Safety:E-invoice is stored in the form of data file, safe from risks of loss, damage, tearing of invoices;

(3) Effectiveness: Customers receive via email immediately after the E-invoice is created;

(4) Relevance: The trend of science and technology development and the Government's policy of applying e-government.

When problems arise, please contact to the Petrol stations for answers /or:

* Ms. Vu Hong Van:Deputy Manager of Financial Accounting Department - Petrolilmex Saigon

Phone: 02838250730 - Call center: 02838292081 - 082 - 083 (extension: 108)

Email: vanvh.kv2@petrolimex.com.vn

* Mr. Vuong Huu Khanh: Deputy Head of Accounting and Finance Department - Retail Petroleum Enterprise

Phone: 02838248513 - Call center: 02838292081 - 082 - 083 (extension: 215)

Email: khanhvh.kv2@petrolimex.com.vn *

Hotline:0902684488- Email:kv2@petrolimex.com.vn

Petrolimex Saigon is looking forward to receiving the support and cooperation of our customers. On this occasion, we would like to express our sincere thanks to our customers who have always believed, cared and used Petrolimex Saigon products and services in the past.

Source:  Petrolimex Saigon
Petrolimex Saigon

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