On November 26th 2009. Petrolimex Saigon held “Conference on quality management in 2009” to sumup, and assess the process of developing, maintaining and continually improvingmanagement system by international and advanced standards; at the same time, toorient the strategic goals together wich the solutions to develop, to furtherenhance the performance of quality management of company in the new stage 2010– 2015.
PetrolimexLeaders, Bureau Veritas Certification Việt Nam and I.C.S Co., Ltd.
posed for a picture with Petrolimex Saigon Leaders
On this occasion,Petrolimex Saigon held a solemn ceremony to receive the converted certificationof ISO 9001: 2008 for quality management system of the entire company, and certificateof ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007 for the integration of Safety –Occupational Health and Environmental management system with scope of import –export and storage of petrol at Nha Be Oil Terminal which were assessed and issuedby Bureau Veritas Certification.
ISO 9001:2008, ISO14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007
Mr. Franck Garcia – Director General of Bureau VeritasCertification Viet Nam handing over certificaties for Mr. Tran Van Thang –Director of Petrolimex Saigon ; Mr. Nguyen Van Canh – Deputy Director ofPetrolimex Saigon and Mr. Nguyen Danh Hung – Director of Nha Be Oil Terminal
Once more, this eventhas affirmed the commitment of Petrolimex Saigon for the quality development tocontinuously improve service quality, customer’s satisfaction, occupationalhealth and safety for workers, environmental protection - one of the keysuccess factors to help Petrolimex Saigon overcome the difficulties in thecrisis and to reach a durable success firmly on the path of integration anddevelopment.